Kubernetes Dedicate Karpenter Nodes for Specialized Apps We will learn how we can utilize affinity, taints and tolerations with Karpenter NodePools/Provisoner. The goal is to dedicate Kubernetes Nodes for specialized workloads.
Kubernetes Featured Beginner's CI/CD for Kubernetes with GitHub Actions The world of CI/CD tools is overwhelming. When starting out as a Kubernetes developer, do you even need to know so much? Isn't there a quick way to setup a pipeline and get going, focus on building your amazing piece of software.
Kubernetes Multi Cluster Thanos Monitoring Multi-cluster observability is a modern infra necessity. Thanos not just helps with that but it also helps with long term metric retention.
Kubernetes Deploying Microservices on EKS: A Beginner's Guide (Part 2) We could deploy our blog as a microservice in a Kubernetes cluster last time. You may have noticed that the client-service was the single entry point into the cluster and was also responsible for all the routing. This requirement made us use an express server for exposing a few routes
Kubernetes Deploying Microservices on EKS: A Beginner’s Guide (Part 1) Our core services at Smart Joules are packed up in a monolith application which has steadily grown over the last 2 years. Overall, 8 developers have worked on the application at different points of time. Recently we started realizing what a mammoth of a Node application it has grown into.